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Welcome to the 8th installment of our Chance for Change Fashion Show. Over the past decade, we have been committed to providing a transformative experience for the youth in our communities. This event is not just a fashion show; it is a culmination of all the elements coming together to inspire our youth and show them the bigger picture.

During the show, our youth have the opportunity to witness businesses uniting for a common cause. They interact with business owners, mentors, and coaches who offer valuable insights on transitioning into adulthood and achieving work-life balance.

Participants receive training in various fields such as radio, podcasting, and event coordination. We also ensure that our youth are well-fed every time we see them. Additionally, participants have the chance to earn money by selling tickets and retaining 50% of their sales. This not only allows them to generate income but also teaches them valuable marketing skills and helps them establish their own community.

Furthermore, participants receive instruction in social media marketing, professional headshots, and content creation for their social media platforms.

Our fashion show is designed to empower individuals and educate them, and for the past decade, we have successfully achieved this goal.

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Chance 4 Change Fashion Show

Chance 4 Change Fashion Show

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