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Are you ready to build, brand, and launch your business, but don't know where to start?

Let us help! This package contains branding and website creation . YBINP is literally your one stop shop when it comes to cohesion and brand awareness. Let's get started shall we?

What's included in this package?

  • Website Building
  • Verified Partners Page Space (3 Months Free)
  • (3) Branding Calls (1) Bonus Follow-Up

Website Building

What type of websites do we create? 

  • E-Commerce & Ecommerce with Design
  • Personal & Personal with Design 
  • Portfolio & Portfolio with Design
  • Small Business Websites
  • Blog & Blog with Design
  • Learning Portals (Great for teaching & online videos) 

Basic Websites: (No Price Difference)

  • Blog (Your personal online diary to express yourself)
  • Personal (Great for authors, bios, etc)
  • Portfolio (Great for freelancers, models, & artist)
  • Landing Pages: (Informational site for internet presence, usually 1-2 pages)

Included Features:

  • FAQ'S
  • Policies 
  • Home Page
  • Contact Page/Form
  • Event Calendar
  • Booking Calendar 
  • Standard Legal Pages
  • (1) E-mail Funnel (Welcome)

Client Conversion Websites Tier 1 : Builds a relationship around products

Basic customer/hands-on interaction, your customers will have limited access to you , but more access your business which will convert them into clients 

  • Basic Package + 
  • Online Store
  • Customer Account
  • Customer Reviews
  • Basic Loyalty/Rewards Account
  • Subscription Services
  • File Uploading 
  • Instagram Feed
  • (2) E-mail Funnel (Welcome & Monthly Newsletter)
  • 150 Product limit

Client Conversion Websites Tier 2: Builds a relationship around the customer experience/service & products.

Complete customer/hands-on interaction, your client will have more access to you and your business, will which will convert them into loyal clients

  • Tier 1 Package + 
  • SMS Messaging
  • Learning Portals
  • Upsell & Conversion
  • Automated Email Funnels
  • VIP Loyalty/Rewards Account
  • Customer Service Chat Options
  • Live Chat with Customers
  • No product limit
  • (4) Emails: Welcome, Monthly, 2 Sales (ie Christmas, Black Friday, and/or other Holidays)

Additional Add-ons (Requires additional fees : Payment & monthly hosting)

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
  • Wholesale Account Creation
  • Career Applications
  • APP Conversion (Turn your site into an App)
  • Referral, Affiliate & Influencer Account 
  • Product Quiz(es)

Please Note: Our prices only reflect our services, they do not include the following:

  • Monthly APP Cost
  • Monthly Website Cost
  • Monthly Theme Cost
  • Monthly Cost for additional services required to run your website

The Typical Cost for website can range from $35-$60 per month, but can exceed that cost depending on client needs. 

Branding Calls

Each website will contain (3) 1 Hour Branding calls

  • (Week 1) Handshake Call: Brainstorming, overall vision & goals 
  • (Week 2) Hand-Off #1: The website will be handed off to the client, the client is free to explore every aspect of the site. We encourage clients to take notes and inform us if any changes needed. 
  • (Week 3) Final Walk-through: Client will walk through their entire site with their assigned designer to ensure website is functioning properly. Designer will also explain how everything works.  
  • (Week 4) Hand-Off #2: YBINP will fully release their entire website over to the client.
  • Follow-Up (Bonus Call): For Questions, comments, concerns. 

Website Estimated time of completion

Each website is unique and requires time to create, our current finishing time is approx. 3-4 weeks for each website. In the event that we are overbooked, or not able to receive information & graphics from client, that time will be extended. 

 What do we need from you?

  • Patience
  • Brand E-Mail & passwords
  • Photos of brand content 
  • Social Media Logins (We do not store any information)

What's Expected after payment?

We will need all brand related content to craft the website. Once your website is created you will receive ALL logins created for your personal store. You can view updates in real time, provide feedback & concerns. 

Please Note: Each website created by us will state so. Our and will earn a 3 month spot on our Verified Partners Page. (You may purchase a monthly subscription for an additional $100/m. Click Here) 

What Happens when I have issues with my website?

YBINP is only responsible for creating and ensuring the website is fully functioning upon release of the site. If the client has any issues they would need to contact Shopify OR the app in question directly via their contact methods. We do NOT handle tech support, customer service, or app support for any of our stores. We also are NOT responsible for Payouts, Refunds, and any other financial issues. 

What if I want YBINP to assist me with site maintenance?

YBINP offers website maintenance for an additional monthly cost. (Click here to view pricing)

Your Brand In Print

Website Design

Website Design

Regular price $370.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $370.00 USD
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